Hi, I’m Helen, one of the Vida Academy’s Learning, Development and Performance Managers at Vida Healthcare. I work two days each week and I’ve been around for two years now, and what a two years it’s been!

Learning and development is about creating a culture and environment for Vida staff, and Vida as an organisation, to learn and grow. It’s about knowing what the organisation needs now and in the future, as well as creating a learning culture that drives us all to develop our knowledge, skills and competencies throughout our time at Vida.

So today this has meant;

  • Preparing for next week’s Aspiring Leaders session, we’re going to be talking about Time Management so I’ve had to be very strict with myself!
  • Talking to James and Bernadette about our mandatory training compliance.
  • Talking to Bradford University about our next group of nursing students, and having an email conversation with Leeds Beckett University about a communication and swallowing workshop their Speech and Language Therapy students are developing for us.
  • Working with Toni, our administrator, to make sure everyone is registered (and up to date) with their SCTV modules.
  • Researching the link between hearing impairment and dementia and learning how we can support our residents; watch this space for a short learning module the team is working on!

There’s never a dull moment in this role and, whilst we are quite hidden from view, we continue to work hard to support all our staff to be the best they can be and so to make sure our residents live their best lives at Vida’s.