Our Ethos of Care
We are committed to providing quality care
Every person receiving our service will experience quality care. It is essential to us that excellence remains at the forefront of our efforts.
We will use the most up to date information available to us
We will use the latest research, emerging evidence and professional literature, in conjunction with our own in-house clinical expertise to provide the highest standards of care. We will follow best practice and discuss all information with service users and next of kin, working together to meet individual needs and make the right decisions about care.
In addition to medical notes, we will also use ‘Life Story Work’ to gather a range of information on each person in our care, recording information about their life history, key relationships, interests, likes and dislikes, in order to embed a truly person-centred approach to care.
We will always respect and protect the rights of our service users and deliver high quality, compassionate care
Through a comprehensive induction and ongoing training programme, our staff will have a clear understanding and respect for the core values which underpin the care and support we provide; respect, dignity, fairness, equality and autonomy.
We will approach our duties within Vida Hall, Vida Grange and Vida Court with sensitivity and respect
We will aim to adapt our ways of working whenever possible to cater for people’s needs and routines. We will respect our residents’ privacy and involve them in decisions which affect day to day living within the home.
We are committed to using alternative measures to support our residents and service users during episodes of distress caused as a result of their cognitive impairment.
Our ultimate aim is to enhance the wellbeing of everyone in our care. In order to do this, we believe we need to look at the world from the perspective of the person living with dementia. We believe this can be seriously compromised if the person has been treated inappropriately with antipsychotic medications.
At Vida Healthcare, we will only consider use of antipsychotic medication when it is absolutely necessary, and following consultation with a multidisciplinary team. We are always vigilant for signs of distress and monitor this through comprehensive assessment processes and reviews. Anti-psychotic use is reviewed on a monthly basis within the home through multidisciplinary consultation and quality audits.
We are committed to supporting residents to maintain their links with the local community
We believe that every person should have access to the outside world and living in a care home should not compromise this. We make every effort to support residents with activities outside of the home including access to local events, contact with family and friends, attending local groups and meeting spiritual needs.
We believe the employees of Vida Healthcare are its greatest asset
Vida Healthcare supports its staff to meet their personal responsibilities in relation to the knowledge and accountability for their own practice. We are committed to providing ongoing staff supervision and appraisals, structured training programmes and individual training objectives through our very own Vida Academy to allow for professional growth and development.
If you would like to request more information about our dementia care homes in Harrogate, or if you would like to join us on a show around, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Registered by Care Quality Commission

The Outstanding Society

Dementia Forward

RRN Member

GBCA National Winner 2021

Care Home Awards Finalist 2022

GBCA Highly Commended 2023

GBCA Regional Winner 2021

GBCA National Winner 2022

Harrogate Advertiser Excellence Winner