Vida Hall’s Support Social Care Heroes nomination is Megda Skibinska!
Magda joined the company in December 2021, after leaving behind a career in hospitality, where she had spent the last 7 years, working for the same employer. But the offer of more family time was a contributing factor for her to join us, along with many other reasons.
Recently Magda has worked a lot on The Glades house, she has established herself there with the team, who all love her. Recently the care team did a company wide shout out for her, on our company intranet, team talk. For the high levels of cleanliness she provides and her willingness to go out of her way to help.
Magda has slotted into the housekeeping team very well and is held in very high regard by all the other members of the team, I just wish I could work out a way to “Clone Her”.
Thank you very much from the whole of the Vida Hall!